Schedule forthcoming
Director Information
Ticket Information
Ticket sales will be done online and special links will be given to each respective units. Only 2 spectators for every performer will be allowed to purchase tickets.
Please reach out to your Unit Band Director for the special link. WGAZ recommends spectators to arrive 30 minutes before your units performance to allow time for health screening and check in.
There will be NO ticket sales at the door. Face masks are required for all individuals on campus.
Registered Groups
Guard Scholastic Elementary
- Chaparral Elementary Color Guard
- Higley Traditional Academy Color Guard
- Gateway Pointe Elementary Color Guard
Guard Scholastic Junior High
- Sossaman Winterguard
- Cooley Cougar Colorguard - Black
Guard Scholastic Novice
- Youngker Emerald Guard
Guard Scholastic Regional A
- Desert Ridge Winterguard
- Maricopa Gems Winterguard
- Coolidge Winterguard
- Hamilton HS Winterguard
Guard Scholastic AA
- Sandra Day O'Connor Blue Winterguard
Guard Scholastic A
- ASU SunDevils
- Campo Verde Varsity Guard
- Perry Winterguard
- Basha Winterguard
Guard Scholastic Open
- Williams Field HS - Black
Winds Scholastic Concert A
- Williams Field Jazz Band
Winds Scholastic A
- Youngker Emerald Winds
- Basha Indoor Winds
- North Side Winds
Winds Scholastic Open
- Perry Winds
Percussion Scholastic Concert Junior
- Cooley Percussion Ensemble - Purple
- Cooley Percussion Ensemble - Black
Percussion Scholastic Regional A
- Coolidge Indoor Percussion
- Youngker Emerald Percussion
Percussion Scholastic Concert A
- Williams Field HS Concert Percussion
Percussion Scholastic A - Local
- Hamilton Indoor Percussion Ensemble
- Deer Valley Percussion Ensemble
Percussion Scholastic A
- Campo Verde Indoor Percussion Ensemble
- Perry Indoor Percussion Ensemble
- Gilbert Indoor Percussion
Percussion Scholastic Open
- Basha Indoor Percussion Ensemble (PSO)
- Williams Field HS Winter Drumline